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Stilla’s webinar in collaboration with Genomeweb & the National Institute of Biology, Slovenia, Thursday 11th of June 2020

Innovation in Digital PCR: Maximizing Data Output from Precious Samples by Alexandra Bogožalec Košir (National Institute of Biology, Slovenia) & Allison Mallory (Stilla Technologies)

Speakers’s Bio

Alexandra Bogožalec Košir
Research Assistant
National Institute of Biology

Alexandra Bogožalec Košir has focused on development and evaluation of emerging molecular biology approaches, including dPCR, during her PhD studies at the National Institute of Biology. Dr Bogožalec Košir and her colleagues have demonstrated the possibility of multiplex quantification of genetically modified organisms using dPCR and studied the underlying metrological aspects of dPCR that could influence measurement uncertainty. Her current work is directed predominantly at metrology for support of nucleic acid measurements, specifically the development of metrologically sound methodological procedures in human diagnostics, including development of high-level multiplex methods.

Allison Mallory
Director of Molecular Biology R&D
Stilla Technologies

With a PhD in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Allison pursued post-doctoral work on the function and developmental roles of microRNAs at the Whitehead Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After moving to France, she worked at both INRA and the Curie Institute investigating noncoding RNAs in both plants and vertebrates. After consulting at a Paris-based single-cell sequencing start-up, Allison joined Stilla Technologies early in 2019 as the director of the R&D Molecular Biology team, where she and the R&D team work to push the limits of digital PCR using naica® Crystal Digital PCR technology.


The commercialization of digital PCR platforms has sparked a revolution in quantitative nucleic acid detection over the past decade. Stilla Technologies’ naica® System, an established easy-to-use digital PCR platform, offers an innovative solution that quantifies in three colors while minimizing time to results.

This webinar will present the features of the company’s new 6-color Crystal Digital PCR System and highlight a set of applications poised to greatly benefit from the increased multiplexing and high sensitivity of 6-color digital PCR.

First, Alexandra Bogožalec from the National Institute of Biology in Slovenia will detail how her team has capitalized on the high-plex capacity of 6-color Crystal Digital PCR to simplify the time-consuming GMO quantification workflow and simultaneously quantify a set of genetically modified soybean lines at low target concentrations.

This webinar will also discuss how the highly sensitive detection capability of 6-color Crystal Digital PCR benefits oncology applications. Allison Mallory of Stilla Technologies will present high-plex mutation detection in non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal and breast cancer samples and will show how 6-color digital PCR enables efficient therapeutic monitoring and early detection of treatment resistance through noninvasive liquid biopsy.